
Having a baby is wonderful, emotional and hard all at the same time. Before you know it, your sweet bundle of joy is turning one! Life can get chaotic and the first year goes by so fast, so make sure you do these 15 things with your baby before they turn one. Read more…

One of the scariest scenarios moms play in their heads is losing their child in a public place. And if your child is a runner, this scenario may have unfortunately become a reality, or close to one. Having a toddler who runs off is frustrating and stressful, and since my own kids have been known to just “take off,” I have figured out a few ways to help you get your child to stay close to you when you’re out. Read more…

Parenting a toddler is absolutely amazing at times and completely frustrating at other times. When a child becomes a toddler, they develop a mind of their own and try to figure out the world they’re living in, test boundaries and do what they want to do most of the time. Parenting and disciplining a child can be exhausting and you may feel like all you’re ever saying to your child is “no.”  Read more…

It doesn’t take a lot to entertain your one year old, but finding fun activities for them can be challenging. It’s important to keep them stimulated so they don’t become bored and frustrated. It also helps with their cognitive and motor development. Read more…

If you have a toddler, you know how hyper they can get. It’s amazing to watch those little bodies bursting with energy, especially when you feel you have a lack of energy yourself. Although it’s healthy for toddlers to be full of energy, there are times when you need your hyper toddler to calm down. Whether you need to make dinner or put your baby to sleep, these tips are sure to help. Read more…

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