Handprint and Fingerprint Flag
Red, White and Blue Sand Fireworks by sunshinewhispers.com
American Flag Craft with Do-A-Dot Paints by meaningfulmama.com
Paper Plate Flag with Rhinestone Stars
Shaving Cream Fireworks by icanteachmychild.com
Paper Plate Star Wreath by theresourcefulmama.com
American Flag Suncatcher by giftsofcuriosity.com
Fourth of July Bunting by creativefamilyfun.net
Patriotic Star Wands by rhythmsofplay.com
Paper Plate Patriotic Suncatcher by iheartcraftythings.com
Pom Pom Flag by sunshinewhispers.com
Fireworks in a Jar by icanteachmychild.com
Chalk Pastel Art by projectswithkids.com
Red, White and Blue Stars Sensory Bottle by rhythmsofplay.com
Salt Painted Fireworks by thebestideasforkids.com
Fireworks Painting by happinessishomemade.com
Star Spangled Slime by icanteachmychild.com
Confetti Poppers by happinessishomemade.com
Eagle Craft by craftsbyamanda.com