While breastfeeding your baby is one of the most beautiful and rewarding experiences, it can be quite challenging, exhausting and stressful. Here are some tips and tricks that can help make it easier for you and your baby.
Stock up on nursing pads
Every nursing mom experiences moments of let down and your milk comes out without baby around. I can’t remember how many times I’ve soaked my shirt through (and quite a few times out in public). Whether you prefer disposable ones or reusable ones, nursing pads will make life a lot easier, and help prevent embarrassing situations. Find disposable nursing pads here and reusable nursing pads here.
Invest in a pumping bra
With a new baby and a busy schedule, I usually found it a little inconvenient to just sit on the couch and hold my breast pump. I was so happy to find this pumping bra that allow you to have your hands free while expressing milk. Find it here.
Use a hairband as a reminder
When you’re nursing at night and switching from one side to the other, it’s not easy to remember which breast you last fed from. Try wearing a hair band on the wrist that you’re feeding from so the next time you nurse, you’ll know to start feeding from the other side.
Purchase milk savers
There’s nothing worse than wasting your precious milk supply when you have a let-down. The Haakaa suctions to the breast that you’re not feeding off of and collects the milk from your let-down. I found it really helpful in building my milk stash. Find it here.
Nursing Tea to Maintain a Healthy Milk Supply
There are two teas that I would highly recommend and they both get rave reviews from moms. Traditional Medicinals Mother’s Milk and Pink Stork’s Liquid Gold. Each has a variety of flavors and they both produce great results. Find Traditional Medicinals Mother’s Milk here and Pink Stork’s Liquid Gold here.
Rolled up receiving blankets
After your milk comes in, your breast size increases and your breasts get a little heavier. While you’re nursing, you may need to constantly lift your breasts so your baby can maintain a good latch. Instead, siply place a rolled up receiving blanket under your breast to give it support.
Try “dreamfeeding”
I wrote a post about dreamfeeding that you can read here. When you’re ready to go to bed, gently lift your sleeping baby out of the crib and place her on your breast. And trust me. She will not wake while nursing! This extra feed will fill her up and helps her—and you—get more sleep.
Hands-free nursing clip
Using a nursing clip allows you have both your hands free during breastfeeding. The LatchPal Hands-Free Nursing Clip simply attaches to your shirt and holds it up to make nursing your baby easier. You can order the clip here.
Sanitize your breast pump quickly and easily
With all the baby items that have to be cleaned and sterilized on a daily basis, these Medela Quick Clean Micro Steam Bags are a such a huge time-saver. Place your breast pump and breastmilk feeding accessories in a bag with some water, place it in the microwave and in just a few minutes, you’ll have sanitized pump parts! You can find them here.
Hans-free breastfeeding
The Udder Covers Nursing Cover has what’s called a D ring at the top. The ring holds the fabric back away from a mom’s chest so she’s able to look down at her baby without having to pull back the fabric. This also leaves both hands free to do what you need to do. You can find it here.
Use a nursing shirt
Another way to give yourself more privacy while nursing is by using the two shirt method. You wear a regular shirt over a nursing shirt like this one and lift the top shirt up to feed your baby. Since you have that second shirt underneath, you’re not exposing your tummy. This also helps a nursing mom feel more comfortable because she has the top shirt covering the top part of her breast. You can find it here.
Keep your baby’s hands busy
If your baby is fidgety while he’s nursing and pulling your hair or squeezing your breasts when he eats, a nursing necklace is great to keep those tiny hands occupied.
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