15 Essential Items for Your Diaper Bag

When I had my first baby, whenever I ran errands with her in tow, I would fill my diaper bag to the brim. I wasn’t sure what I would need for her, so I brought everything I could so I would always be prepared.

No mom wants to be without the supplies to make her baby more comfortable when she’s out. Here is a list of 15 essential items to bring with you when you leave home:

1. Diapers

2. Baby wipes

3. Diaper cream

4. A changing pad

5. Formula or a bottle of milk

6. Insulated bottle tote

7. Baby food

8. A bib and burp cloth

9. An extra outfit

10. Plastic bags for disposal

11. Breast-feeding cover

12. Hand sanitizer

13. Pacifier

14. A few toys

15. Sunscreen

When you return home from an outing, make sure to replace your bag with new supplies. If your bag gets a little too heavy for you to carry around along with your baby, make sure to leave some essentials in your car.

What would you add to the list?

Hello, I’m Kelly, a regular contributor on this blog. I live in Pennsylvania with my loving husband and our five beautiful children. I have a background in early childhood education, but I am currently homeschooling my kids. From pregnancy to postpartum to toddler life, I love sharing advice with other moms who are having a challenging time with this crazy but wonderful role of motherhood.

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